"The authorship of several papers on horology for the Encyclopédie méthodique" By Diderot (1713-1784) and Alembert (1717-1783).
"The authorship of several papers on horology for the Encyclopédie méthodique" By Diderot (1713-1784) and Alembert (1717-1783).
"L'art de conduire et de régler les pendules et les montres, à l'usage de ceux qui n'ont aucune connaissance en horlogerie" (The art of operating and adjusting clocks and watches for those who have no horological knowledge). (79 pages et 4 planches)
"Essai sur l'Horlogerie" (essay on horology), in which its civilian use and its applications in astronomy and navigation are examined, while establishing principles confirmed by experiment. (Volume I: 477 pages + 5 tables, volume II: 452 pages + 38 plates)
"Traité des horloges marines" (Treatise on marine chronometers) covering the theory, construction and the makers of these instruments as well as the method of rating them so that they can used to correct charts and find longitude at sea. (590 pages + 27 planches)
"Les longitudes par la mesure du temps ou méthodes pour déterminer les longitudes en mer avec le secours des horloges de marines" (Longitude by time measurement, or a method of finding longitude at sea with the aid of marine chronometers), followed by the appropriate sight-reduction tables to calculate longitude from celestial observations.(96 pages + 34 tables + 1 planche)
"La mesure du temps ou supplément au traité des horloges marines et à l'essaie dur l'horlogerie"(The measurement of time or a supplement to the treatise on marine chronometers and the essay on horology), covering the methods of workmanship, construction and rating of small longitude clocks, and the employment of the same construction principles for pocket-watches, as well as several designs for astronomical clocks. (275 pages + 11 planches).
"Traité des montres à longitudes" (Treatise on longitude watches ) (230 pages + 3 planches)
"Etat des horloges et des montres à longitudes construites et exécutées par Ferdinand Berthoud, ingénieur mécanicien de la marine par ordre du gouvernement. Machines livrées à la marine". Etat établi par F.Berthoud le 19 juillet 1793 (an 2 de la République).
"Traité des montres à longitudes" (Treatise on longitude watches) continued, convering: 1 the construction of vertically worn watches; 2, the description and rating of the simpler and more portable small horizontal clocks used on the longest passages. (116 pages + 2 planches).
"Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horloges" ( The history of time measurement with clocks) in which Ferdinand Berthoud demonstrates his exceptional knowledge of horological mechanics.
"Supplément au traité des montres longitudes" (Treatise on longitude watches) with an appendix of th main research or work undertaken by Ferdinand Berthoud on the various components of time-measuring machines from 1752 to 1807. (88pages + 1 planche)
"L’arte di ben condurre e regolare gli oriuoli da tasca ed a pendulo per uso di quelli che non hanno cognizione dell’arte medesima."